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Deranged Seating

A Novella

A Society Columnist finds Himself Sitting on the Biggest Story of the Century
And he can’t write a word of it.

A Mike Hammer Wannabe crime reporter is stuck writing the society column. His imagination is the only thing that keeps him sane through the endless shallow events his boss makes him cover. Until one day his luck changes…
He’d bet a month’s salary the poor chump who just got murdered isn’t feeling so lucky. This wasn’t just any murder, no sirree. The whole thing smells hinkier than the seven day old sushi in the back of Mike’s fridge.  Things don’t add up – not if you’re from planet earth. And there’s a good looking dame in it up to her baby blues.

Title: Deranged Seating
Author: Carole Fowkes
Genre: Sci-Fi Detective Mystery
Length: 124 pages
Release Date: August 25, 2011
ISBN-10: 1466273135


Praise for Deranged Seating:

How original!        5 stars
“I loved this story. How original. I was totally entertained from beginning to end. In the future, I’ll think twice before sitting just anywhere.”  –  Patience, reader

Sam Spade in an episode of the X-files      5 stars
“Carole Fowkes has one crazy imagination. So does her hero in Deranged Seating.
I grinned through most of this Sci-fi/lightweight romance/Detective mystery. It’s a hard to define this story. But if you liked the hard-boiled crusty monologue of Sam Spade or Mike Hammer, and you don’t mind a little alien action juicing up the plot, you’ll get a kick out of this novella. ”  – Kathleen, reader

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